Students from Bexhill Academy have graduated from the inspirational Be the Change programme sponsored by Hastings Direct, delivered by and humanutopia.

Year 9 pupils from the local secondary school came together last week at the Hastings Centre to complete the programme. The 110 students celebrated their journey with 28 business volunteers from Hastings Direct, course leaders from humanutopia and and teachers from their school.

As the students received certificates and Be the Change ribbons, they applauded each other and reflected on the past year. Many students stood in front of the gathered audience and revealed their feelings about moving forward with the skills they have learnt.

Jay Wootten, Hastings Direct’s Events and Community Relations Manager commented, “It was great to see the students from Bexhill Academy graduate from this year’s Be the Change course. To see the difference in their confidence levels and to hear them talk about the things they can do now which will set them up for the future and show the real impact on their lives is amazing.”

Ed Brazier, Pastoral Manager Bexhill Academy, said; “The impact of the Be the Change sessions on our students cannot be denied, they grow in confidence and self-belief. This change benefits them so much and translates into our school, making it a better place. It is really inspiring!”

Ben Eldridge, PE teacher Bexhill Academy, added; “Be the Change has made such a positive impact on our students at Bexhill Academy. Thanks to the Be the Change team and Hastings Direct for inspiring the young students of our community to be successful learners and responsible citizens to our community”.

A year 9 student from Bexhill Academy said; “Thank you for everything, this programme has really helped me realise I don’t need to change for anyone and just be myself. Talking with my mentor and group has enabled me to become more confident.”

Rosanna Farrar, added; “We are delighted with the success of the Bexhill Be the Change programme this year. It has been incredible to see the positive changes made and the difference in so many of the students. Hastings Direct should be incredibly proud of the impact they have had on so many young people at Bexhill Academy.”

Graham Moore Co-Founder of humanutopia said; “It has been a real privilege to work with Bexhill Academy; the students have been great ambassadors for the young people in the area. They have also been professionally supported by the caring business volunteers from Hastings Direct who truly wish to make a difference to the lives and aspirations of the young students”.