We have reached out to our homeworking colleagues to provide some hints and tips that could help new remote workers during this new and challenging period.
Colin (Team Leader): Set up a Skype group with your team, this really aids everyone to see that they are not alone and gives everyone the opportunity to ask any questions they have. This also keeps the team in the loop of what is happening and any shared challenges e.g. system issues etc. Greet your colleagues in the morning on Skype by saying “good morning, how are you?” just like you would in the office. Ask them at regular intervals “how it’s going”. Keep your meetings light, at work you mainly talk about work, but not always. Ask about plans for weekend etc.
Stevie (Team Leader): Keep your working environment as normal as possible to avoid losing motivation. Make sure you keep up with normal routines... working in your PJ’s isn’t all it’s cracked up to be! It can put you in a worse position in terms of motivation and productivity. I find that getting up as normal, keeping a normal morning routine, even making my lunch as I would have done when I worked in the office, has helped me continue to be motivated.
Jim (Customer Representative): If possible, I would recommend getting out for some exercise and fresh air either during the day or at the beginning/end of your shift. Being inside all day can have a negative impact on your mental wellbeing.
Catarina (Customer Representative): I like being near a window so that I don’t feel as isolated when I’m working and can always get a bit of air. Decorating and getting little things around my desk always cheers me up as well, and keeps me motivated.
Gemma (Customer Representative): Bearing in mind that the country is currently in lockdown, being at home all day every day, working and chilling, will get tedious. Do your best to separate your home life from your work life. Make sure you do not log in ‘just to check emails’ on your days off and you don’t stay longer than your shift. Dedicate one space of your home to be your office and keep it there.