Following last week’s focus on apprenticeships, we took the opportunity to ask two members of our Human Resources team about their career journey with Hastings Direct. Meet Sache and Fran who both joined us as Customer Representatives in our call centres and had progression within the business to their current roles. In this week’s blog, they share their experience along with advice for anyone looking to build a career at Hastings Direct.
Meet Sache – Training Executive
What steps did you take to ensure you’d progress with the company?
I started on the phones – while in training, I loved the environment and the roles seemed so helpful and fun, so I made it my goal to become a trainer. I learnt the Customer Representative role quickly and started coaching new starters in academy after five months with the business. I was seconded as a trainer, dedicated to a project roll-out, for a year and then given a permanent ‘Training Advisor’ Role. After doing this role for a few years and developing my skills, I was then promoted to Training Executive.
What support did you receive to achieve progression?
In order to achieve this progression I have been supported by lots of people within the business from managers to peers. Managers have pushed and challenged me to help with my development and I have also been on a course which accredited me as a TAP certified trainer – great for development within training. However the most support has come from my peers, especially other trainers. Things are always changing and we are constantly sharing best practice and ideas to help us all develop. We’re a very close team – we have an amazing bond and they are some of the most supportive people in my life.
What advice would you give someone looking to grow a career at Hastings?
Work hard in the role you are currently in, as your hard work shows when applying for other roles. Reach out to others in the business about roles you would like to do. Everyone is really helpful!
Meet Fran – HR Change Consultant
What steps did you take to ensure you’d progress with the company?
I have always maintained focus on my day-to-day role and where possible tried to get involved in projects or initiatives which would help me grow in different skills and experience. Some of my greatest development experiences have been from learning from other colleagues when working together.
What support did you receive to achieve progression?
The thing that makes Hasting Direct so great is the people. Throughout my journey at Hastings, I have always been able to speak to my Leader and peers about my aspirations, which has helped me to understand different ways I can develop and work towards my goals.
What advice would you give someone looking to grow a career at Hastings?
When I first joined Hastings as a Customer Representative, I was amazed at the number of different departments and teams that were involved in supporting our customers. If you are interested in a particular area of the business or type of work, then speak to your Leader or see if they are able to help you find the right person to talk to. It is always worth asking! At Hastings, there are always so many things that you can be involved in… and some great people too, so I would always just try different things where you can.
If you’d like to follow the footsteps of Sache and Fran, and build a career with Hastings Direct, click here to check out our current vacancies and apply.